
About the Cover

Once Was Not Enough Book CoverMany cancer survivors are aware that the daffodil is a symbol of hope for those of us with this disease. This flower has been used by various organizations for decades in their fundraising efforts to help find a cure.

It only seemed fitting, since my story is a story of hope, to use this internationally known symbol as an icon on the cover of my book. So I asked my graphic designer, Lynly Taylor, to consider using the daffodil in her designs for our cover. I was very pleased when I read her explanation about this design, and ecstatic when I actually saw the graphic for the first time. It was right on target with my idea so I decided it was important for me to share Lynly’s words with you: “This last design also uses an image of a lone daffodil. This can be symbolic of your battle with cancer and how each time you’ve come out on top and made it through. The type is emphatic and expressive. The white space can be symbolic of loss and voidness that those with the same illness may experience. Also, the healthy look of the flower can symbolize survival, moving on, that it’s not the end.”