
Dr. Banshi P. Kashyap, M.D., FACP

Great advances in medicine have been made in recent decades, to the extent that more patients are enjoying their life to the fullest. Such is the experience of this author who has put together his feelings, emotions and physical well being in this book. Cancer patients in general have fears, apprehension and anxiety as soon as they learn the diagnosis of cancer. This indeed requires immediate family support. The author’s wife has done a superb job by devoting her entire time in providing all aspects of care as directed by medical oncology team of physicians, nurses and allied health professionals. The author has depicted a true story of his life after he developed lymphoma. By reading his in-depth description about personal cancer care issues encountered day to day, and how he was treated medically, is heartfelt and will certainly enlighten others. Physical and mental symptoms experienced by a cancer patient are well written in simple words. Complex treatment modalities utilized to achieve complete remission of his lymphoma is very well outlined in detail.

David, 1/8/08

I want to thank you for writing your book. The impact is powerful regardless of what title you decided to use. I am on page 237 and I have found encouragement, interesting thoughts and insight on each of the 236 pages read so far!! I would encourage everyone that reads this to buy the book and read it. Daryl, I feel like I am sitting and listening to you tell your story instead of reading it. I suppose you write just as you speak. The biggest impact of your book on my life so far has been insight and encouragement. I will know my remission status within the next 8 weeks (I think). Before reading your book I thought that I would not let the results of the post treatment tests change my plan for the rest of my life. I had decided that I did not want to go through the process ever again. After reading how God has blessed your life through this process and actually reading how you were able to deal with everything I am absolutely sure that I will use whatever tools are available to fight the cancer…if that is ever necessary.

Diane, 1/24/08

Never before have I read a book as wonderful as yours. It took me longer than it should have, but I reread so much as I was going along…. Reading about your faith in God has inspired me so much I feel like I am on cloud nine.

Chelle, 2/26/08

I really enjoyed reading your book – especially since I have been going through the diagnosis of cancer…. Your words helped to keep me aware that even though I’m walking steps that I never thought I would, there is still someone else out there going through far more. It helped keep me balanced, every time I would feel a pity party coming on I think of you and others that I have met and the pity party doesn’t last long.

Barb, 4/20/08

You instructed me to read the poem at the beginning of your book. I remember that you said it was written by a wonderful nurse who saved your life in the very beginning of this journey. She was also a key person in building your strength for what you were about to endure. So I read the poem. I wept while reading it. I shared it with coworkers and they cried too.

The University of Kansas Cancer Center

Brandmeyer Patient Resource Center

When I am at the cancer center for any reason I always attempt to visit the resource center. I love to visit with the staff, and to ask how useful my book has been in their library. I get to hear over and over again that my book is checked out nearly all of the time.