
What’s The Funny Looking Spot

Thank goodness I take a look at my skin on a regular basis. I have been taught that chemotherapy treatments can cause skin problems. I have also been taught that other medications can do the same thing.

One evening I found a spot on my belly that looked funny. I had my Beautiful Bride take a look and we decided to watch it for a while. Little did I know the research was started….

The next time we evaluated that spot my wife decided I was dealing with shingles, and we had caught it early. No waiting — I was loaded into the truck and headed down the road — down the road to the Urgent Care to get evaluated. As normal she was right!

I got a prescription and was assured that we had caught thing early. Since I hadn’t experienced any pain or any of the affects people typically report with the shingles we were hopeful that I wouldn’t have any other problems. The medicine worked!